In honor of Earth Day, I am posting and reviewing my favorite facial mask.
The "Japanese Matcha Green Tree with Acai & Goji Berry Mask" made by Pangea Organics
This is honestly in my opinion a "miracle mask". Let me start off by saying that it's created with whole organic and natural ingredients and essential oils which is awesome!
This mask will detoxify your skin, literally make any redness or inflammation on your skin disappear, energize, hydrate and regenerate cells! Jeeze, the only thing it doesn't do is jump out the bottle and apply itself on your face ; )
But it doesn't end there, on top of the product being amazing for your skin and the environment, you can actually soak the packaging that the product comes in and plant it to grow medicinal herbs!!
"The packaging is manufactured with zero waste at UFP's molded fiber division in Clinton, Iowa and created from 100% post-consumer newsprint-without glues and dyes.
Always looking to be unique Pangea wanted to embed medicinal herb seeds in the molded fiber paperboard. Consumers can grow medicinal herbs by soaking the box for one minute and planting it in about 1” deep of soil. The whole concept revolves around the idea of packaging having multiple uses and its life cycle continuing beyond its initial purpose."
This mask has received recognition in many magazines and has won 5 awards!
- ShapeYou's GearAwards (tm) Great Gear of the Year Award – Japanese Matcha Tea with Acai & Goji Berry Facial Mask
- Natural Beauty Award ‘07 – Face Care: Face Mask Category, Japanese Matcha Tea with Acai & Goji Berry Facial Mask - Natural Health.
- Best of Show Awards ‘07, Natural Products Expo West 2007 -- Best New Vegetarian Product, Japanese Matcha Tea with Acai & Goji Berry Facial Mask – VegNews.
- New Products Showcase Award '07, Natural Products Expo East 2006 - Best New Product for 2007, Japanese Matcha Tea with Acai & Goji Berry Facial Mask.
- H20 Fitness & Wellness for Women 1 st Annual H20 Beauty Awards - Best Overall Mask - Japanese Matcha Tea with Acai & Goji Berry Facial Mask
To find out more about Pangea Organics, visit:
love pangea!! love the earth! and i'm so excited you posted this!!! save the world, baby!