Monday, June 8, 2009

Sun 101

as we enter summer and start baring more skin, i cannot stress how important it is to protect yourself from the sun. although, may was the official month for skin cancer awareness, it is something we should constantly be aware of.

we all know and have been told time and time again the dangers of UV (ultra violet) rays but sadly, in most cases, vanity almost always trumps the warning signs of skin cancer.

raise your hand if.....
  • you have told yourself in the blistering winter months how you couldn't wait for the warmer months so you could just lay out on the beach.
  • you have signed up for a great package deal at your local tanning salon because self tanners made you orange and (we're in the recession baby~) spray tans are just too damn expensive, smell and don't last long enough.
  • you only apply sunscreen when you know you'll be exposed to the sun....and THAT if you remember.
some quick facts:

UVA = aging
  • is present all 365 days of the year like your postman. (rain, sleet, snow or sunshine)
  • penetrates deep into the skin layers
  • affects long term skin damage. (again, going back to aging!)
UVB = burning
  • responsible for the tanning & burning
  • is related to more than 90% of non melanoma skin cancer
  • protected against spf (sun protection factor) in sunscreen

did you know?
  • one person dies every hour from melanoma or skin cancer. (scary~ if you think about it)
although, melanoma is far more dangerous than skin cancer and is the leading cause of skin cancer death, it is preventable and almost always curable if it is detected early on.

my favorite products in protecting yourself is next~!

~ jenn

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